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The website of the Managing Authority of the OP ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ (MA OPCE) of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks (YPANYP) collects all information concerning the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ. The aim of the Managing Authority of the OPCE is to provide accurate and updated data and, should errors be ascertained, make every effort to correct them.

 The websiteΆs Newsletter subscription service ( only available in the Greek version) enables visitors, should they so wish, to subscribe to the Newsletter and receive informative material concerning announcements, calls, news, interesting information and events. The personal information to be entered by subscribers in the Newsletter forms and the Contact form constitute data protected by the provisions on the protection of personal data and are not disclosed to third parties, but are simply kept on record by the website for purely statistical and communication purposes. The registration of an interested party on this list (or deletion therefrom) is at the discretion of the Managing Authority of the OPCE. A file with personal data is kept for the needs of the website, containing all the personal data voluntarily entered by associates and visitors; this file is protected and managed by the website in full respect of and always in accordance with the relevant provisions of Greek and European law. Visitors can request the deletion or correction of their personal data at any given time and for any reason.

 Liability waiver

The Managing Authority of the OP ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ of YPANYP is in no way liable for the contents of the website. The website includes:

Information of an exclusively general nature concerning the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ and the financing opportunities provided by the joint contribution of the EU and the Greek State through the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ. This information does not refer or pertain to cases or instances of inclusion of natural or legal entities, is not intended to cover specific cases of natural or legal entities, is of an exclusively informative character and addresses the candidate final beneficiaries and the common goal. The Managing Authority of the ΅Operational Programme Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ remains fully competent to evaluate, select, include, monitor, control and certify the operations included in the Operational Programme, in accordance with the valid Community and National regulatory institutional and legal framework of each financing operation.

 Information that is, to the greatest extent possible, timely, comprehensive, accurate and up to date. The Managing Authority of the ΅Operational Programme Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ ensures that the information is up to date and comprehensive, but is not liable for any errors or inaccuracies therein.

 Information that, at times, links to websites other than that of the Managing Authority of the OP ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ, that are not controlled by the Managing Authority and for the content of which the Managing Authority cannot be held liable.

 The website of the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ and its contents are of an exclusively informative nature and do not substitute or prevail over official documents, acts and decisions of the Managing Authority. Any specific clarification is to be sought from the competent services of the Managing Authority of the ΅Operational Programme Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ as well as from specialised professionals, depending on each case.

Furthermore, the objective of the Managing Authority of the OPCE is to minimize the difficulties caused by technical problems. However, certain data or information on the website of the Managing Authority of the OPCE may have been created or structured as files or types with errors. The Managing Authority of the OPCE cannot guarantee that the provision of this service will not cease or be impacted in any other way by such problems. The Managing Authority of the OP ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ of YPANYP is in no way liable for problems that may arise from the use of this website.

 Moreover, the Managing Authority of the OPCE of the YPANYP is not liable for the contents or services provided on other websites to which it may link through hyperlinks or advertisements it may host; the Service only provides the means for their promotion or linking and is not liable for their content or accuracy.

Announcement regarding intellectual property

The titles, marks, logos, depictions and other indications connected to or concerning or determining or referring to the Managing Authority of the OPCE, the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ, OPCE II or anything else defining their identity are the property of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks, Managing Authority of the OP ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ 2012.

Reproduction of material without the written consent of the Managing Authority of the OPCE is prohibited.

Where prior approval is required for the reproduction or use of data, text and multimedia (sound, images, software, etc.), such approval negates the aforementioned general approval and makes express mention of any limitations to use.

 These terms and conditions for the use of the website of the Managing Authority of the OP ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ (MA of the OPCE) of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks, as well as any amendment thereto, are governed and complemented by Greek law, European Union law and related national treaties.

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Operational Programme EPAnEK-kinisi

Europe In My Region Ministry of Economy and Development
European Investment Bank
        , ,  -
TEPIX Entrepreneurship Fund
Jeremie Co-funded programs
New Investment Law

National Fund for Entrepreneurship and Development ETEAN SA  2000-2006
European Union NSRF Sitemap

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Terms of Use

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56 Mesogion Ave.,
11527, Athens, Greece
Tel: 801 11 36 300
Fax: 210 74 73 666 Hours: 8am-7pm
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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund