Ministry of Economy and Development Ministry of Economy and Development

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Managing Authority

The Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & InnovationΆ was established, on the basis of Article 7 of Law 2860/2000, by JMD No. D13/F5.27/18038 (GGI 1502 B/8.12.2000), replaced by JMD Ref. No. 1121/ 408 D/F03.2.3.2012/GGI Β 655/7.3.2012 which is currently in force.

Based on article (§ 1) and 6 of the Law 4314/2014 (A'265) renamed to Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & InnovationΆ (EPAnEK), undertakes managing responsibilities of EPAnEK (2014-2020) and is under the responsibility of Special Secretary for Management of ERDF and CF Sectoral Operational Programmes.

The purpose of the Service is to ensure the effectiveness and regularity of the management and implementation of the following Operational Programmes (OP):

a. Operational Programme ΅CompetitivenessΆ (OPC, 2000-2006) was completed,

b. Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness & EntrepreneurshipΆ (OPCE II, 2007-2013),

c. Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & InnovationΆ (EPAnEK) programming period 2007-2013, which was approved by the European Commission on 18.12.2014.

The Managing Authority of the EPAnEK also functions as an Intermediate Management Agency for competitiveness and entrepreneurship actions funded by the following Operational Programmes:

  • The Regional Operational Programmes (ROPs) of Phasing-Out Regions
  • The OP ΅Environment and Sustainable DevelopmentΆ
  • The OP ΅Human Resources DevelopmentΆ
  • The OP ΅National Contingency ReserveΆ.

The Managing Authority of EPAnEK is located at 56 Mesogion Avenue, 115 27 Athens.  An Information Desk operates on the ground floor of 56 Mesogion Avenue (landline calls to 801-11-36300 charge one local call unit, 210-7450892-3, for enquiries regarding calls and aid to enterprises, as well as any other issue that concerns OPCE II & EPAnEK.

Establishment of the Managing Authority of EPAnEK

The organisation chart and responsibilities of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & InnovationΆ and its Units are set out in detail in Joint Ministerial Decision No. 1121/ 408 D/F03.2.3.2012/GGI Β 655/7.3.2012.

Organisation chart of Managing Authority of EPAnEK

The Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & InnovationΆ consists of seven (7) Units, as follows:

  • Unit Α1 ΅Programming and Evaluation of the Operational ProgrammeΆ
  • Unit A2 ΅Evaluation and Inclusion of OperationsΆ
  • Unit Β1 ΅Monitoring and Management of Infrastructure, Research and Technological Development operationsΆ
  • Unit Β2 ΅Monitoring and Management of State Aid operationsΆ
  • Unit B3 ΅Monitoring and Management of operations that concern human resourcesΆ
  • Unit C ΅On-the-spot VerificationsΆ
  • Unit D ΅Organisation and SupportΆ 

Organisation Chart of the Managing Authority EPAnEK



By virtue of Ministerial Decision Ref. No. 7682/1854D/F03/4.11.2010 (GGI B 1826, 22.11.2010), the right to sign “By order of the Minister” is transferred to the Special Secretary for Competitiveness, the Head of the Managing Authority of the Operational Programme ΅Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & InnovationΆ and the Heads of the Managing Authority Units.

Staffing of the Managing Authority EPAnEK

The Managing Authority of EPAnEK is staffed with personnel from the Public and greater Public sector on the basis of the procedures set out in Article 18 of Law 3614/2007.

The formal and substantial qualifications of the staff of the Managing Authority of EPAnEK are described in detail in Joint Ministerial Decisions 44212/CSF C301/GGI B 1623/29.12.2000 and 2974/666D/F.04/ GGI B 564/1.4.2008

 Managing Authority of the OPCE Telephone List

ISO 9001: 2008 Certification

Within the framework of its continuous effort to improve its effectiveness, the Managing Authority of EPAnEK developed a Quality Management System in June 2003, which has been certified under ΕΝ ISO 9001: 2008 and is re-certified every three years.

The procedures of the system are continuously updated in accordance with the needs that arise from Greek and Community legislation.

The EN ISO 9001:2008 Certificate of the Managing Authority EPAnEK Quality Management System is re-evaluated on an annual basis by TUV HELLAS (RWTUV) SΑ.

List of procurement or service provision contracts

Pursuant to Article 8 of MD 51540//EYSSAAP 3628 / 12.11.2010 (GGI B 1856/26.11.2010) ΅Determination of the data of the Technical Support Programmes of the Application and the procedure for their submission and approvalΆ, the Managing Authority of EPAnEK publishes the following list of procurement or service provision contracts.

List of procurement or service provision contracts for 2014

List of procurement or service provision contracts for 2013

List of procurement or service provision contracts for 2012

List of procurement or service provision contracts for 2011

List of procurement or service provision contracts for 2010

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Europe In My Region Ministry of Economy and Development
European Investment Bank
        , ,  -
TEPIX Entrepreneurship Fund
Jeremie Co-funded programs
New Investment Law

National Fund for Entrepreneurship and Development ETEAN SA  2000-2006
European Union NSRF Sitemap

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Information Office:
56 Mesogion Ave.,
11527, Athens, Greece
Tel: 801 11 36 300
Fax: 210 74 73 666 Hours: 8am-7pm
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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund