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The "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" (OPCE II) Programme of the Ministry for Development, Competitiveness, Infrastructure, Transport & Networks for the 2007-2013 period continues and enhances the successful actions of OPCE of the 2000-2006 period.

The central developmental objective of OPCE II is the improvement of the competitiveness and extroversion of enterprises and of the production system, placing emphasis on the dimension of innovation.

This objective will be achieved through actions that support:

Expediting the transition to a knowledge-based economy,

Developing healthy, sustainable and extrovert entrepreneurship,

Enhancing the attractiveness of Greece as an area for the development of environment-friendly business activity.

The main priorities of OPCE II for the 2007-2013 period are:

1. Promotion of innovation, supported by research and technological development 

Reinforcement of Research, Technology and Innovation in all sectors of economic activity as a main factor for the restructuring of the Greek economy and the transition to a knowledge-based economy.


Indicative Actions:

• Partnerships between production and R&T agencies, aiming at improving the competitiveness and extroversion of enterprises through the implementation of R&T projects in specific sectors and activities.

• Creation of innovative clusters in cutting-edge fields that will show a competitive advantage 

• Creation of new, knowledge-intensive enterprises for the conversion of research products and knowledge into new products and services (spin-off / spin-out).

• Support of New and Small-and-Medium-sized Enterprises through the promotion of Research and Technological Development (RTD) activities.

• Support of Supply and Demand for Research, Technology and Innovation Services (innovation coupons for SMEs). 

• International Co-operation in Research and Technology (European R&T Co-operation, Bilateral, multilateral and regional R&T partnerships).

• Incorporation of science in the social fabric and promotion of an entrepreneurial spirit among youth.

2. Strengthening of Entrepreneurship and Extroversion

Expansion of extrovert entrepreneurship as a main channel towards the productive upgrading of the country towards high added value goods and services, with quality, environmental sensitivity, incorporation of knowledge and innovation, thus contributing to the country' s exit from conditions of economic recession.


Indicative Actions:

• Integrated Business Plans supporting productive investments that contribute towards strengthening the presence of Greek enterprises in the domestic and international market, technological or organizational innovation, standardization and certification of products and services. 

• Entrepreneurship in the environmental sector and incorporation of an environmental dimension in the operation of enterprises. 

• Targeted actions to provide support to enterprises, aiming at their restructuring and modernization, so that they can achieve a qualitative differentiation of their products and services and strengthen their presence in the domestic and international market. 

• Integrated and innovative interventions for the modernization – restructuring of the tourism sector (e.g. development of alternative forms of tourism, etc.). 

• Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, which concern the establishment of new enterprises by population groups with limited entrepreneurship (e.g. women, youth, etc.) and in regions suffering from deindustrialization and unemployment, thus directly strengthening employment.

• Reinforcement of Entrepreneurship in new and innovative activities.


3. Improvement of the business environment

Improvement of the institutional environment and basic support structures, infrastructure, mechanisms and tools necessary for the growth of entrepreneurship, the strengthening of competition, the reduction of business risk and the protection of consumers.


Indicative actions:

• Upgrading and simplification of the regulatory framework (National Market Surveillance System, investigation of monopolies, extrajudicial resolution of disputes between businesses, etc.). 

• Development of a single system of business support structures with a 'one-stop-shop' function. 

• Creation of Financial Technique Instruments, such as Holding Funds, risk sharing and micro-credit products, Venture Capital etc., to facilitate access to financing for enterprises so as to ensure their smooth operation and strengthen their investment activity. 

• Modernisation of business infrastructure such as e.g. Business Parks, Business Incubators, relocation of enterprises to Business Parks, etc. 

• Actions to enhance Consumer Protection and to improve market surveillance mechanisms (e.g. enhancement of the infrastructure of laboratories for product certification, laboratory control, institutions for the support and monitoring of the commercial sector, etc.). 

• Complementing and upgrading of tourism infrastructure and infrastructure for the utilization of natural and cultural reserves (e.g. infrastructure for special forms of tourism, promotion of cultural elements, such as museums and archaeological sites, etc.).

• Actions to promote products and services (thematic tourism, integrated support for the placement of Greek products in international networks, etc.).

4. Integration of the country' s energy system and strengthening of sustainability 

Safeguarding the energy supply of the country, within the framework of achieving its environmental objectives, support for the liberalization of the energy market and inclusion of the country in major international electricity and natural gas transport networks.

 Indicative Actions:

• Actions to promote the use of Natural Gas, with projects for the penetration of natural gas in the domestic and tertiary sector through the development of distribution networks in new areas, for the expansion of the National Natural Gas Transmission System and the increase of its capacity and stability, and actions for the expansion of existing or the creation of new infrastructure for liquefied and compressed natural gas, 

• Actions for the integration – modernization of the country's electricity network, with projects to connect islands to the National Transmission System, in order to address electricity adequacy problems and to increase the penetration of Renewable Energy Sources in island regions, to construct high-voltage centres for continuous power supply, safety of supply to the Southern System and the Electricity Distribution Network and, finally, actions for the implementation of "smart"networks and installation of meters/telemetering systems for the management of demand for the provision of electricity to domestic and small business consumers, aiming at the development of a rational pricing policy,

• Actions for the penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy-Saving measures, with projects such as investments in the generation of power using RES and high efficiency CHP, energy-saving and building efficiency improvement interventions, placing emphasis on the domestic sector, and energy investments, placing emphasis on public buildings (e.g. Local Authorities), aiming at reducing energy consumption in the urban environment, 

• Actions for the rational management of natural resources.

Environmental protection and sustainable development are basic components of the Programme. 

The Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) determines, describes and assesses the important direct and indirect environmental impact of the implementation of the Operational Programme "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship".

The Programme was approved with Decision No. Ε(2007) 5338/26.10.2007 of the Commission of the European Communities as it was modified with the E(2011) 6980/4.10.11, C(2012) 9553/13.12.2012 and C(2013) 8729/5.12.2013 Desicions of the European Committee.



Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA)
Revised Operational Programme "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" II, September 2013

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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union - European Regional Development Fund