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Selected News
23/9/2014 - "Europe in My Region" photo competition: and the winners are ….

From the pool of 100 photos which received the most votes on Facebook, and 50 'wildcards', the jury - composed of three photography professionals – have selected the three winners of the "Europe in My Region" photo competition: Adela Nistora from Portugal, Ieva Vīksne from Latvia and Kristina Griguolė from Lithuania.

Adela depicted the Marina in Ponta Delgada, the capital of the Azores: the new harbour construction significantly contributed to the economic revitalization of the island

Ieva photographed the new train in Riga that takes passengers from one coast to the other, crossing the railroad bridges.

Kristina portrayed – in a very creative way – the Geological Survey project in Vilnius, aimed to help people to get and share information more easily and quickly.

The three projects were all funded by the European Regional Development Fund.

Each winner will receive 1 000 EUR worth of digital camera equipment and a two-night trip to Brussels to participate in theΒ OPEN DAYS – 12thΒ European Week of Region and Cities, during which theΒ  Commissioner for Regional Policy Johannes Hahn will present the prizes to them.

Overall the third edition of the Photo Completion was a great success with a record number of photos received, 1 002 from 27 Member States (869 in 2013), and with 14 268 cast (11 681 in 2013).

The three winning photos can be seen here:

#EUMyRegion Pinterest board:Β


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